As per report, the duo had major fallout on the set of Anurag Basu's 'Jagga Jasoos'. It all happened like this, when Ranbir was shooting a tough action scene for the film, Kat who was also shooting for 'Bang Bang' with Hrithik Roshan said her boyfriend that Hrithik also shot similar stunt for 'Bang Bang'.
Katrina might have told Ranbir in an open mind but the later took it as a comparison. He felt that she is comparing him with Hrithik Roshan and the couple had a major fight over this issue. Ranbir did not like Katrina comparing him with Hrithik Roshan and he had a major argument with his ladylove on the set of 'Jagga Jasoos'. Following the tiff, Ranbir refused to resume shooting until and unless, she made an apology to him.